Who You Are Always Matters

Have you seen the new Jim Carrey Documentary? It’s called “Jim & Andy: The Great Beyond” and is, in essence, a conversation around Identity. I watched it the Wednesday before Thanksgiving and afterwords went to go teach my level 1 class. On my way there I was reflecting on the documentary and was in a somewhat stoic state. I was thinking; 'When I step into that yoga studio, do I also step into the identity of “Madeleine the yoga instructor”? Do I want to? Who defined the Identity of “Madeleine the yoga instructor” was it me? Did I accept definitions from students? Peers? Mentors?' 

I made the choice on the drive that I wanted to show up as real as possible for my students. I realized that when I step into Rising Lotus Yoga there is a shift in me. Because being there for others helps me uplift myself as well, and seeing all of you from my community I can’t help but feel more joyful. So I want to say THANK YOU for that gift :).

If at any time I connect with you and am not smiling, I have this loving message for you;

I wanted to share this as permission for you to not have to act any certain way you may feel constrained to. I want you to express yourself just as you are right now, and I want to meet you from that same level of authenticity. When we pretend to be something we are not authentically feeling in the moment, it sends an unconscious message to our psyche that it is not okay to feel/ be/ act that way.

And so, as gracefully as we can, may we express from the truth of ourselves in any given moment. Whether verbally, physically, energetically or hopefully all the above. To show to ourselves and each other, that it is okay to feel. It is okay to BE as we are.

Here’s to deeper connection as a result,

Caio Bella,

💋 Madeleine